Right now we are overly fascinated with how they jack the front of the truck up to keep it level while they are pounding away at that drill that is going 35 feet down to the center of the earth, or China or somewhere. Here is the earth extractor with his earth sample collection tray.
Fascinating! These small tubes of earth have become very important.
Meanwhile we are poring over all of our notes, scribbles, drawings, photos, and think we have found our plan. This plan is a combo of several different houses that we like and will be our own version when it is all done. We hope to have all of our ideas ready to take to the architect this week so they can put it into a blueprint that the guys can build from. This is harder than you might think. I sure have learned a lot and have gained a new respect for Jim the Builder! That guy can do it all!
Joplin Home Show....film at 11:00!
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