Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yesterday was an interesting day!
While on sabbatical from
my duties as an
electrician's assistant,
I decided to 


I am having the Saturday Brunch Girls
over for brunch on Saturday
(that's why we call ourselves the Saturday Brunch Girls)

and since it is almost Valentine's Day
why not decorate the tables with some really girly-girly stuff?

That meant moving some of the winter-snow-village stuff
out of the way.

We had some large ceramic tiles laying around
so that we could stare at them and
instead of moving them out of the kitchen
(also tiled)
I just lined them up out of the way.

I just needed to move the snow stuff over to the bookshelf
which just happened to be where the tiles
were lined up.

I stepped on one of the display tiles
and it went scooting.

Tiles on tiles can scoot really fast.
I did not scoot...

I went Down.

In the process I knocked over a lamp,
broke one of the snow village boys,
and took the top off one of the little houses.

As I lay on the floor
clutching the broken boy,
I thought of that TV commercial
where the old lady is on the floor
"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Dear Children:
Do not bother to get me one of those Lifeline gadgets.
I'm fine.
I spent the rest of the morning
setting up the table for the Brunch Girls
mourning the broken boy's head
feeling foolish.

All those days on ladders,
at the house,

up and down
down and up

working working working 
in hazardous cold conditions,
with nary a slip...

only to find myself
putting up 

Valentine's Day decorations!

Moral of this story:

Decorating can be hazardous to your health!


Ceramic tile hurts when you fall down go boom on your bum!


  1. oh dear, i'm so glad you're ok. i thought for sure you were going to say you'd fallen and broken your arm or something! i love you and i'm glad you're ok.

  2. Oh no! Ouch. That reminds me of the bruise story on PW yesterday. Did you see that?! I'm glad you are okay. I bruised my butt one year putting away the Christmas tree.

  3. I'm very glad your okay! Isn't that just how it goes though - when you least expect it. Hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy your brunch.

  4. i was just hoping you weren't gonna show us some revealing injury on your bum. ;) glad brunch wasn't ruined.


"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Welcome to my happy place. A place where I can share ideas, projects, and dreams. I am a nester, a crafter, a creator and a dreamer I hope you will find inspiration and encouragement for the journey you are on. I am a Jesus follower, wife, mother and nana. Blessed beyond measure, just trying to live my life gracefully and make a difference in my small world. Join me!