Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flowers for Kellie

Since tomorrow is Kellie's birthday,

I thought I would send her some flowers.

Before old Jack Frost comes nipping around.

Ahhhhh October. I love her for so many reasons.

My flowers love her too.

They have survived yet another Kansas summer,

and want to celebrate!

They will not go into winter quietly.

They are shouting and singing right now,

Full of life and color and gladness!

Let's go for a walk!

Did you see that goose honking at me the whole time I was out taking pictures and the minute I turned the camera on him, he flew away!



It's possibly the most beautiful day the Lord ever made.  The kind of days October is famous for.

I love how the flowers just seem to be putting forth every ounce of their being into being beautiful for as long as they possibly can.  The colors are brighter and the blooms are just exploding all over the garden.  Bees are buzzing and butterflies are drifting from bloom to bloom, crickets are singing and the sky is as blue as blue can be. 

It's good to be alive!

Thanking God for you Kellie and all of the ways you bless me!


  1. Oh this is beautiful! I can't believe I just now realized I needed to come see it! But I like to stretch my birthday out for the whole week :)!! I was struck by something you said, "the flowers just seem to be putting forth every ounce of their being into being beautiful for as long as they possibly can," and thought, wow, I should be doing that! Not in the outward beauty sense, but more in the being beautiful in spirit and deed and making things beautiful. I think this is beautiful to God. . . thank you for my flowers. You are so creative and unique and special! Love it!

  2. Beautiful blog entry. Kellie is sooo right -- you are so creative and unique and special. I am blessed to get to call you my sister !!!

  3. You're making me wish I was in Kansas right now!!! :) Here in Chicago things have been a bit cold already, only 52 degrees today....brrrrr. It's going to be almost 70 all weekend, but raining non stop!! The kid's soccer games should be fun ;) Thanks for coming to my blog today and for your tip on wipe on poly, I've heard of it but am not sure what it is. Is it like a wax? I guess I could probably find it at Home Depot if I look long enough :) Have a joyful day!!

  4. Thanks for reminding me how just one day that God makes holds such blessings and delights!
    Happy birthdaie!, Kelle


"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Welcome to my happy place. A place where I can share ideas, projects, and dreams. I am a nester, a crafter, a creator and a dreamer I hope you will find inspiration and encouragement for the journey you are on. I am a Jesus follower, wife, mother and nana. Blessed beyond measure, just trying to live my life gracefully and make a difference in my small world. Join me!