I swore once I would never attend another Home Show. Here we are at the 2009 Home Show.
The highlight of the day was learning all about the coveted Central Vac System. I will have to sacrifice something to have this, but I WILL have this. Here is Jim admiring the sleek design, the ease, the power of this machine. I am sitting over in the corner resting my tired feet and dreaming of the day I will dance and sing while operating this bad boy. I will wear a skirt and pearls just like June Cleaver and nary a hair will be out of place. I will have fresh lipstick on and you will smell pie baking in the oven as I flit from room to room with my bag of hose behind me, seeking out every dust mite and filthy mold spore. In the meantime, enjoy this picture with me and indulge a little dreaming. And remember, never say never!
Way to go, MIL! This IS a must. No question. I am particularly tickled by the fact that Jim is giving it a test drive. Maybe you're onto something here! ;)