I am excited for this phase of the
kitchen table and chairs
to be over.
Tomorrow I will remove the newspaper
and start staining
the top.
The top that was always covered with a tablecloth,
because the varnish had come off in several places,
and looked terrible.
I figured it would be easy
to get the rest off....
I have sanded my fingers down to a nub
getting her ready!
- The chairs are off together
curing and getting waxed....sounds like a girl's day out, doesn't it?
They are getting impatient.
So is my husband...
He is tired of eating his supper at the bar~
Here is my secret weapon.
It really does cover twice as much
and gives you a very nice finish.
I was trying to show the whole can so that you could see
it's called Dark Walnut.
I didn't count how many cans I used,
but figure 1-2 per chair,
6 chairs,
2 for the table....yikes!
oh well, it's cheaper than a new set, right????
While we're watching the paint dry,
let's have a look around, shall we?
I had never planted this before,
but it went gangbusters here on the east side of the house.
It's called Autumn Sage.
It never stopped blooming \
even in the 100 degree heat and high humidity.
It quieted down for a while,
and now that we are having rains and cooler temps
it is glorious!
The hummingbirds liked it a little,
but the blooms are pretty small and
they had to work hard for the nectar.
I love discovering something new that will
thrive in this hot prairie town!
Here it is with the Double Knock Out Roses.
They almost took over the flower bed!
These plants are definitely Kansas Tough!
That chair up there on the front porch is calling my name...
think I'll grab my book and a big old glass of tea
and admire the view!
See you tomorrow!