Here we are on our way
to an Arts and Crafts sale that we
just missed by one week last year.
We vowed not to let this happen again,
and marked our calendars
for the 3rd Saturday in September.
We are excited for a fun day together
in search of some treasures
and junk.
Emphasis on junk.
Hillsboro here we come!
Boy did we ever find some fun junk!
Before the main event,
(the arts and crafts fair)
we headed to a small town nearby
where we had heard of a fabulous
Barn Sale.
Those were the magic words for us
being the junky gals that we are...
Imagine our excitement
as we spotted these lovely barns,
brimming full of treasures
and this is only half of the buildings!
We had to be very careful.
This was just the outdoor loot,
and we still had 4 barns to peruse,
plus the craft fair in another town!
Oh my!
My mama used one of these except it wasn't this cool green.
Somehow Lisa managed to look glamorous
in the hot sun
and I just look like old lady picking through rubble.
It was very hot and dirty work
but these two are not easily deterred!
Just look at it!
I wish I had taken some pictures of the inside of the barns,
but I was busy,
trying to take it all in
and keep my pile of loot manageable.
I promised myself I would only spend the cash I had with me...
Note to self: Next year take more cash!
Fast forward to the end of one very hot but fun day:
We did manage to cram a lot of junk into the back of my car...
Isn't that a fun little cabinet that Kimberly found in one of the antique stores?
Lisa has a new cart that she is going to spray paint a fun color and use as an end table.
At least they have plans for the stuff they bought!
I just have to keep my husband from throwing my stuff away!
Here's what I scored...
two pretty blue jars...
one dolla each!
a rusty thing- a- ma- bob.
A chippy old ceiling tin.
I think I want to paint it a color,
but I don't want to spoil it..
any recommendations?
An old board
sprinkled with the prettiest
aqua paint chips.
(Probably lead based, but pretty all the same)
plus a nice, heavy, large, round mirror that I forgot to take a picture of!
6 bucks!
My hubs just asked me if I would like him to take this board downstairs
and sand off that old paint.....
funny guy.
I don't regret not buying one of these big fellas,
but I have been wishing I had snatched up that
pretty little sewing machine base...
oh well,
I did learn a few important things to remember for next year's trip...
1. Take cash and lots of it!
2. Take hand wipes, water and soap.
3. Take sunscreen.
4. Take more pictures
5. Take a picnic lunch and save money for yummy drinks and funnel cakes
6. Remember to buy funnel cakes
7. Take husband's truck.
I can't wait to do this again, girls!
Hilsboro Kansas, here we come!